Here's a selection of my poems. All rights reserved.
It Can Be Scary
It can be scary
to consider the journey
it might take
without a promise
or a guarantee
of what will become of you.
It can be scary
to awake
and to see the damage
that has been done to you–
and you echoed onto everyone–
more clearly
from the other side of the foliage
that covered us
and suffocated the sun.
It can be scary
to face the truth
of your destiny and history anew.
You then stand and observe
in shock of a life that once was yours.
But it is always a better view.

Be the stranger.
Uphold the sparkle of the first glance.
Be undefined.
To be known and be loved —
has a slim chance.
Familiar things make me want to move.
Comfortable habit makes me feel tired and fooled.
Being more or less awkward is my thing.
The common reaction— not worth mentioning.
Nevertheless, I don’t have a choice.
I never meant to choose my own voice.
Now, standing out of the crowd is my typical zone.
Not fitting in is my familiar home.
Giving each corner just a brief touch.
Leaving a small print on each creature. Not too much.
But the nervosa from being on my own
drives me weary from the inside out.
It’s the engine that pushes me, yet tires me out.
My cozy nest merely a silent deep sleep.
My tranquil home a hole to which I creep
when the risk of my face, blurred and diffuse,
to be revealed is too great. It would confuse.

Bearing Dreams
When one by one,
you bury each of your children;
with all the love you thought
you could bring up,
you are faced with lying them
into a grave; in the ground.
You begin trying to make
some music, at least,
with the hollow sound it makes
inside your heart’s quiet house,
each time, another child
is brought to term
and then laid down into the earth.
But these pale songs
are a desperate attempt
to offer the world something
from this barren womb.
Damned to bear offspring
that are not equipped to live
and you cannot provide for;
how silent, then, become
the songs you once were adored for.

Do I miss chewing on leaves and on grass?
I do —
even though,
I now drink the juices from flowers and trees,
and I can stretch out my limbs,
and spread them into wings,
and I can see everything
from a much broader view
and with a much wider lens
I do miss some friends.
Though it's a select and an intimate few,
it's some who've remained
in their caterpillar state to this day—
and some
of whom I wonder about what might've become of them,
for even if, by chance, they were to pass my way,
today, I would no longer recognize them—
for they will have changed into butterflies, too.

Never Date A Poet
Never date a poet —
we’ll write about your love.
And of all the tales, love and betrayals,
and fantasies you dreamed of.
Never date a poet.
We’ll deeply fall for you.
And we’ll write about all that we can find
and mirror it back to you.
Never date a poet.
We’ll write about all that you do.
The things that you might like to forget
the poem will construe.
But go on and date a poet,
for really we don’t have a clue
about the beautiful mystery that you are
though we write as if we knew what’s true.
So go on and love a poet,
for you’ll rarely feel so seen
and be loved for all your imperfections
as when you are with me.

House Of Mirrors
My reflections are moving in nearer
as I stand here in my house of mirrors.
Some are chipped, some need dusting,
some are polished to a shine, crystal-clear.
Some are obvious, some are deceiving.
But there's not one I could end up leaving
for they are all a part of my whole being —
Many abstractions
reflecting the multiple lives
I could have lived
or am living.